Monday, October 20, 2008

Acclaimed International Artists to Exhibit Works Depicting the Struggle to Triumph Over Political, Social, Physical and Emotional Barriers

Facing Walls, a unique exhibition exploring both the physical and psychological effects of barriers presented in society, will open with a gala public reception on Friday, October 3rd, from 6pm to 9pm in the Scharpenberg Gallery on the 4th floor of the historic Dank-Haus Chicago.

Facing Walls will showcase more than 80 works of art by international, European Union artists as well as local artists from Chicago. These artists challenge the issues associated with political barriers through painting, drawing, photography, sculpture and metalwork. The exhibiting artists include artist and curator, Susan Barton, Cyd Smiliie, Ed Ott, Lothar Speer, Sally Swingewood, Ronald Graziano, Laura Keeble, Lorna Filippini-Mulliken, and Carol and David Koller.

Gallery hours are from 11am-3pm, Saturdays and are available by appointment during the week.

"Facing Walls", Susan Barton, 2008, 20x16", Acrylic and Oil on Canvas. Available for purchase. Depicting shifting movements behind insurmountable, physical blocks, the painting displays growing energy through brooding tones of color.

"Freedom Comes As A Vision"
, Susan Barton, 30x24", Oil and Acrylic on Canvas. Available for purchase. Oppression, blockage and limitation give way to insight through breaks in the canvas. "Freedom Comes As A Vision", speaks to enlightenment, hope and seeing beyond futile inflictions.

"Homeland", 40x30", Susan Barton, 2008, Steel, Barbed Wire with Denim. Available for purchase.

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