Monday, September 04, 2006

Hi - I'm Michelle and a member of this lovely group too. I felt that as my friend Laura had got busy writing a bit about herself, I should do too. I will warn you though, I can also waffle. So - be prepared!

As you will have gathered, we recently exhibited our work in Chicago, to celebrate Shakespeare's words in pictures. Mmmm - I can remember way back many months ago when I first heard Susan (Barton) suggest this to us and remembering only too well, the way my heart dropped heavily into my boots. "Me? Shakespeare? Errmm I'll do my best...." my mouth was saying.. whilst my mind spent quite a lot of time thinking "What on earth am I going to paint?". (I can hear already hear a mass gasp of horror at that statement, so apologies to all of Shakespeare's fans for that!)...

My English Literature exams (many moons ago) did not concentrate too heavily on 'our Will'.. us girls got swept away by Harper Lee and other wonderful authors (and I sighed an inward breath of relief! Shakespeare terrified me . I could feel the urge to hide inside my art cupboard, growing stronger and stronger as the group discussed how we would exhibit, our choice of plays to paint etc.

But.. working within a group like ours is a wonderful process. Little by little.. we nudged each other along, gave advice, swapped numerous website links with fab gems of information about the Bard, and basically rallied each other along when the less 'Shakey Cultured' amongst us, lost our artistic ideas. (Mainly me really)...

What it also made me realise was that I had two (no three) very important people usually within a short distance from where I painted, who were willing, eager and able to assault me with more Bardy facts that you could shake a stick at - these being my two eldest daughters and the oldest one's boyfriend. When I sat there, books in hand and stared out into the garden thinking 'What NOW?' they seemed to appear magically and would share ideas, discuss scenes and recount their favourite pieces of Shakespeare from school lessons. These three opened my eyes, ears and heart to the joy of William Shakespeare.

So.. by the time the DHL courier arrived and said 'Excuse me love, I'm here to pick up some paintings' - he had 6 acrylic paintings on canvas to take from me whereas I thought I may only manage one!

My paintings on this exhibition are really special to me. They're obviously a personal representation of how I feel and see a moment, in a piece of Shakespeare's writing but, not only that, they are a milestone. An awakening of a very special time for me, spent with special people, who shared ideas and visions and helped me on my learning journey. I never felt I could walk it and learn alone..and nor would I want to.

I hope you enjoy looking my paintings - (they are displayed on my website - see right) as much as I enjoyed creating them.


(painting shown above ' All that Glitters is not Gold - 16 x20 acrylic/mixed media on box canvas)

Sunday, September 03, 2006


My name is Laura and im a very proud member of the London artists group.

Ive not written in a public blog before so please bare with me ..its a bit new (and i am fully capable of rambling to the high heavens!!).

The last entry here was about the dates for Shakepeare exhibition! Wow! what an exhibition it was! The group had spent months planning and researching Shakespeares works and the finished pieces were absolutely breathtaking! I loved the preparation involved, the plays are so beautiful, dramatic and so romantic it was such a dream to interpret his words using our own perceptions of the works.
I hear there are plans to show the exhibition again.....I hope so, the artworks featured were amazing and just wrapped them selves around you and pulled you in to his wonderful world of drama and passion!

Will keep you posted..........

Laura xxx

(image Acrylic on canvas: Othello)