Monday, December 11, 2006

The paintings are en route...

After three abortive attempts to get my exhibition paintings to Nottingham they are finally on their way.

Blackfriars Hoody (Singing in the Rain) - £150

Skater Boys (1000x300mm) £300

Stormy weather (1000x300mm) £300

The Beautful game 400x400mm each, £100 or £250 for the set.

Pre-show sales can be made through the artist.

London Artist Group member, Susan Barton will have one of her paintings gracing the front cover of new poetry book, Magdalena, by poet Maureen Gibbon. The book is available now through pre-order on


Directly From The write up...
Book Description

"Gibbon's Magdalena offers a fresh and profound voice to American poetry. Comparisons are impossible because this book doesn't remind me of anything I've read in years. I loved it."-Jim Harrison

Magdalena is a finely drawn collection which, with sometimes painful honesty, examines the vagaries and vicissitudes of a heart in conflict with itself. The poems invoke the nature of an independent woman embracing her sexuality, travels, and being in the world.

Maureen Gibbon is the author of a novel, Swimming Sweet Arrow. She teaches at Bemidji State University in Bemidji, Minnesota.

About the Author
Maureen Gibbon is a the author of a novel, Swimming Sweet Arrow. She teaches at Bemidji State University.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Well hello there from a stressed out 3rd Year Undergraduate!
Poor but happy (ish) have hubby making tea and ladling out sympathy at the moment. Not to mention beer and curry. Tis Christmas break and we have all that palaver as well, especially with his rellies coming and staying over. He assures me that all will be well and he'll do "everything" but because we have to accomodate 2 adults and 3 children we will have to sleep in the loft conversion..
All very well.. but it does happen to double as my studio as well..!

Monday, December 04, 2006

In counter-point to Susan Barton's serene landscapes Sally Swingewood will be showing distinctly modern, urban cityscapes at the same View From the Top show in January.

Available January 9th-January 22, 2007 at The View From The Top Gallery in Nottingham, England, Chicago artist Susan Barton will exhibit her serene plein air landscapes at The IAG Exhibition.

Inspired by her love of the surrounding Great Lakes landscape and love of classical music, Susan has painted four distinct plein air landscapes of the Michigan dunes; where the land meets the lake.

Entitled, "The Four Seasons-Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn",the 8x10 oils are presented framed and available for purchase.

"The Four Seasons-Autumn"
8x10 inches, Framed 10.5x12.5 inches
Oil On Canvas

The Four Seasons-Summer"
8x10 inches, Framed 10.5x12.5 inches
Oil On Canvas

The Four Seasons-Spring"
8x10 inches, Framed 10.5x12.5 inches
Oil On Canvas

The Four Seasons-Winter
8x10 inches, Framed 10.5x12.5 inches
Oil On Canvas